This is A Test Page for Blog Post

hello everyone how are you

Apologies for any confusion. If you’ve added the code to generate a table of contents using the generate_inside_container hook in your theme’s functions.php file, but you’re not seeing the table of contents displayed on your single post pages, it might be due to a couple of reasons.

This is the First Heading

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to display the table of contents in your content area:

  1. Ensure the code is properly added to functions.php: Recheck that the code snippet to generate the table of contents using the generate_inside_container hook is correctly placed in your theme’s functions.php file.
  2. Check single post pages: Ensure you’re viewing a single post page where the table of contents should appear. The table of contents will only be displayed on single post pages.
  3. Verify the presence of h2 and h3 headings: The code snippet targets h2 and h3 headings within the post content. Make sure your post content contains these headings for the table of contents to be generated. If there are no h2 or h3 headings in the content, the table of contents won’t be displayed.
  4. Clear cache and refresh the page: Sometimes, caching plugins or server-side caching can prevent changes from being immediately visible. Clear the cache and refresh the single post page to see if the table of contents appears.
  5. Inspect the HTML structure: Inspect the HTML source of the single post page to ensure the table of contents markup is being generated by checking for the HTML elements related to the table of contents (e.g., <div class="table-of-contents">).
  6. Ensure CSS is applied: Confirm that the CSS styles for the table of contents are correctly added to your theme’s stylesheet or Customizer. The table of contents won’t display correctly without proper CSS styling.

This is the Second Heading

If you’ve verified these steps and the table of contents still doesn’t appear, there might be a specific conflict or issue within your theme or environment that requires deeper investigation.

If you need further assistance or if you encounter any specific errors or issues, providing additional details or code snippets would be helpful to diagnose the problem accurately.

This is the H3 Heading

f you’ve verified these steps and the table of contents still doesn’t appear, there might be a specific conflict or issue within your theme or environment that requires deeper investigation.

If you need further assistance or if you encounter any specific errors or issues, providing additional details or code snippets would be helpful to diagnose the problem accurately.

f you’ve verified these steps and the table of contents still doesn’t appear, there might be a specific conflict or issue within your theme or environment that requires deeper investigation.

If you need further assistance or if you encounter any specific errors or issues, providing additional details or code snippets would be helpful to diagnose the problem accurately.

This is the Example of H4

f you’ve verified these steps and the table of contents still doesn’t appear, there might be a specific conflict or issue within your theme or environment that requires deeper investigation.

If you need further assistance or if you encounter any specific errors or issues, providing additional details or code snippets would be helpful to diagnose the problem accurately.

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